Cost to Build a Mobile App from a WordPress Website in 2024?

Cost to Build a Mobile App from a WordPress Website in 2024?

Written by: ShopApper Team
12.07.2024 - 6 mins read

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A strong presence beyond your website is crucial.
Businesses are increasingly recognizing the value of mobile apps for engaging users, boosting sales, and fostering brand loyalty.
But a question often arises: how much does it cost to build a mobile app from a WordPress website?
The answer hinges on the solution you choose.
Let’s delve into three main options, each with its unique advantages and drawbacks:

Custom Mobile App Development: Unleash Your Vision, But Be Ready to Invest

Developing a custom mobile app from scratch offers the ultimate control and customization in wordpress app development.

This approach lets you design and build an app that perfectly aligns with your brand identity, target audience, and specific business goals.
Here’s what sets custom development apart:

Advantages of Custom App Development

  • Unparalleled Customization: You have complete control over every aspect, from design and features to functionality and user experience.
  • Scalability and Future-Proofing: Custom apps are built to scale and adapt as your business grows. You can easily integrate new features and functionalities in the future.
  • Performance Optimization: Developers can optimize the app for peak performance on specific devices and operating systems (iOS or Android).
  • Offline Functionality: Custom apps can work even without an internet connection, providing a seamless user experience in any situation.

However, the power of custom development comes at a cost.

Developing a custom mobile app typically ranges from $50,000 to $250,000 or even more. The final price depends on various factors like app complexity, features, design, and the development team’s location.

Who Should Consider Custom App Development?

  • Businesses with complex needs and unique features in mind.
  • Companies aiming to create a disruptive force in their industry.
  • Businesses with large budgets willing to invest in a high-performance, future-proof app.

Disadvantages of Custom App Development:

  • High initial investment: Requires a significant upfront cost compared to other options.
  • Longer development time: The development process can be lengthy depending on the app’s complexity.
  • Maintenance and updates: Ongoing maintenance and updates require additional resources.

Mobile App Builders for WordPress: A Budget-Friendly (But Limited) Option

Mobile app builders offer a cost-effective way to convert your WordPress website into a mobile app.

These platforms provide pre-built templates and drag-and-drop functionalities, allowing you to create a basic app without extensive coding knowledge.

Advantages of Mobile App Builders


  • Cost-Effectiveness: Mobile app builders are significantly cheaper than custom development, typically costing between $1,000 to $2,000 per year.
  • Ease of Use: No coding expertise is required, making them ideal for non-technical users.
  • Faster Time-to-Market: You can launch your app in a shorter timeframe compared to custom development.
  • Automatic Updates: Content changes on your website automatically reflect in the app, saving you time and effort.

Who Should Consider Mobile App Builders?

  • Businesses with simple websites and basic app needs.
  • Companies on a tight budget looking for a quick and easy solution.
    Businesses wanting to test the waters of mobile app development.

Disadvantages of Mobile App Builders:

  • Limited Features: App builders offer a restricted set of features compared to custom development. Complex functionalities or integrations might not be available.
  • Customization Limitations: Customization options are limited to pre-defined parameters, making it difficult to achieve a truly unique design or user experience.
  • Limited Support: Support options might be limited compared to dedicated app development services.

App Building Services: The Effortless Path to Powerful Apps

App building services offer a middle ground between the flexibility of custom development and the ease of use of app builders.

These services utilize similar technology to app builders, but with a key difference: a dedicated development team.

Here's What Sets App Building Services Apart:

  • More Customization: They offer greater flexibility in customizing the app’s design, features, and functionalities to meet your specific needs.
  • Enhanced Support: App building services provide dedicated support throughout the development process and beyond. This ensures you have a reliable team to answer questions and address any issues that may arise.
  • Scalability: They can help you scale your app as your business grows and your needs evolve. Your app can seamlessly adapt and integrate new features to keep pace with your success.

Who Should Consider App Building Services?

  • Businesses seeking a balance between cost and customization. App building services offer more features and flexibility than app builders at a more accessible price point compared to custom development.
  • Companies with specific app needs that go beyond basic functionalities offered by app builders.
  • Businesses wanting a more user-friendly and feature-rich app than what app builders offer.
  • Companies who value ongoing support and future-proofing capabilities for their app.

Why Choose ShopAper for Your Mobile App Needs?

At Shopper, we understand the limitations of both app builders and custom development.
That’s why we’ve created a unique approach that bridges the gap: affordability and functionality.

Shopper’s Subscription Model: Similar to many app builders, Shopper offers a subscription-based pricing model with monthly plans ranging from $95 to $745.

This allows you to choose a plan that best suits your budget and app complexity. 

Here’s what makes Shopper stand out in the app building service category:

  • Streamlined Process: We avoid complex dashboards and overwhelming options. We focus on clear communication and a collaborative approach, tailoring the WordPress to app development process to your specific needs and vision.
    Focus on Functionality: While some app builders restrict features, we prioritize functionality. We work closely with you to understand your business goals and user needs, ensuring your app has the features that truly matter.
  • Unwavering Support: Our dedicated team of developers and support specialists are available throughout the entire process, from initial concept to post-launch maintenance. We offer ongoing support to ensure your app remains optimized and delivers a seamless user experience.
  • Scalability and Future-Proofing: We build apps with scalability in mind. As your business grows and your needs evolve, your Shopper app can easily adapt and integrate new features.

Shopper offers a strategic investment for businesses seeking a powerful and feature-rich mobile app without the high upfront cost or lengthy development time of custom development.


We empower you to create an app that truly reflects your brand identity and engages your target audience, ultimately driving business growth.

Contact Shopper today for a free consultation to discuss your mobile app vision and explore how we can transform your WordPress website into a powerful mobile app that takes your business to the next level.

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